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American-International corporation EVAPCO Cooling Towers
Krashin-Shalev with decade- long knowledge and experience in the area of cooling towers:
Refrigeration towers with international certifications
- For thermal performances;
- Hydraulic and acoustic – CTI certificate;
- For wind and earthquake resistance – IBC certification;
- For Fire Safety – Factory Mutual (FM) Certificate.
Open towers in various buildings
- With an axial fan for energy saving;
- With centrifugal fan;
- In low silhouette structure for basement installation or behind a roof railing;
Closed towers with a built-in heat exchanger
- Built-in heat exchanger;
- With axial fan for overall energy saving;
- A model with a suction axial fan;
- A model with a suction axial bellow at the bottom of the tower for convenient maintenance;
- A model with a suction axial bellow and a coil pipe heat transfer at the bottom of the tower for easy access;
- With a centrifugal bellow;
- In a low silhouette structure for basement installation or behind a roof railing.
Ammonia or Freon evaporative condenser for refrigeration facilities
- With axial bellow for overall energy saving:
- A model with a suction axial fan;
- A model with suction axial fan at the bottom of the tower for convenient maintenance;
- A model with a suction axial fan and a coil pipe heat transfer at the bottom of the tower for easy access;
- With centrifugal fan.